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Guardian Research Profiles

September 24, 2009 Developments Comments Off on Guardian Research Profiles

The Guardian is launching a new regular feature highlighting interesting university research projects. Each week they will profile a researcher / research team and their project. They are asking for examples of any unusual, ground-breaking or exciting research.

Mary, Mary is all of these!  What do you think?  It would be a fab way of launching the blog / website!!  Sharon


September 22, 2009 Developments 3 Comments

Following a rather nervous discussion about how we might proceed with a public documentation project of the Mary Greg archive, Liz and myself took the plunge and sent a proposal to MuseumNext. Our proposal has been accepted as a ‘wild idea’ and can be found here: http://www.museumnext.org/blog/

MuseumNext takes place on Thursday 22 and Friday 23 October.


June 18, 2009 Developments 1 Comment

We have a provisional date and exhibition venue for marymaryquitecontrary! Alex and I met with with Miles, the curator at Platt Hall, today about staging an exhibition in 2011. A showcase for Mary, her extraordinary collection and the creative, imaginative possibilities unleashed by opening the cupboard doors and seeing what happens. Very excited about the possibility of bringing things blinking and stumbling back into the light. Just need to work out some funding…