“You know you are only allowed ONE egg, dear”
Through our links with Dr Stuart Eagles, Sharon has just forwarded some pages copied from the fantastic book by Sheila Ormerod, ‘The Gregs of Westmill’ (Buntingford, 1996). A few more clues about Mary emerge…
She was remembered as an overly frugal housekeeper who would not allow her husband to have two eggs for breakfast and was much impressed by a lecturer who declared that margarine was better than butter for domestic staff. (p.18)
And as if by way of an afterthought, the paragraph continues…
However, she was generous to the village.
So, beneficent to the world, but alas, not to poor Thomas!
The article also points out that at 8 years older than Thomas, Mary would not have married until she was 45. Perhaps this is a reason for their lack of children?
Alongside this reading, I have been busy pursuing links with the Guild of St George, and have contacted the former Master, Dr James Dearden who is an authority on Mary Greg, as well as Robert Wilson who is the Director of Westmill interests, so I’m eagerly anticipating further information…
Hazel and I also met this morning to plan our session at this year’s Association of Art Historians Conference in Glasgow on Friday morning. More to follow after the event.