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Its a messy business

June 16, 2009 Artist Responses 4 Comments

One of the hopes I have for this blog is that we can just collect all our thoughts and follow lines of enquiry, and use this as a record to edit later.
I have started a few projects based on things we found in the collection..
on the Chatelaine, keys, candles and threads..(more on all soon)…
The bodkin case keeps resurfacing in my mind.
It was a very ordinary looking item, a useful thin box for keeping your bodkins in.
I have made these small boxes over the last two years…(see pic)
still not sure why..or what for…
But I like the idea of little metal boxes made for a specific item, that would be carried on the person..especially with a name like Bodkin.

Currently there are "4 comments" on this Article:

  1. hazel says:

    I agree..If I hadn't seen a quizzing glass I would have to make one of my own versions.
    In fact I might anyhow.
    ..The lists of objects she sent the gallery is wonderful..
    Will upload my favourite tonight.

  2. lizmitch says:

    I think there is something particular about words in this project – the collection is as much about words as it is objects.

  3. hazel says:

    Hello Liz…I don't mind it being jumbled..It is just good we are recording it..It helps me untangle things a little in my own head.
    I realised when I typed Bodkin, how much I like names for things..like Quizzing glasses.
    Just see where is goes.

  4. lizmitch says:

    There are lots of storylines aren't there. Could all be a bit jumbled but is great material to sort and edit later. The existence of this blog has really galvanised me to do things, it's quite addictive, like keeping a diary. I think it's seeing the emergence of different stories in real time as they develop without knowing where they'll go. I love it.

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