I particularly liked the silhouette of Mary in the extracts from ‘The Gregs of Westmill’ by Sheila Ormerod that Dr Stuart Eagles sent us (lovely detail on the rim of her hat). I wonder where the original is? If anyone out there has any idea maybe you could let us know. There was mention I recall of some Greg artefacts from the Westmill museum being accessioned into the museum or art gallery at Stevenage, I think. I wonder if it was amongst those things? It would be great to get hold of it (if it still exists) for inclusion in the exhibition. Sharon
Wow this is a good find!
She reminds me a bit of Miss Marple for some reason.
Good idea! They are fun to make too!
We could have them on the ‘about us’ pages on here too.
I thought the team should each have one done for the exhibition!
When I was at university, we made silhouettes just like this (minus the hat!) of everyone in my hall of residence for the summer ball: these were posted along all the corridors as part of the decoration. It looked great.
But I originally had the idea from seeing something where the negative space between two silhouettes that are placed nose-to-nose is made into a vase… It would be lovely if we could find a silhouette of Thomas Greg, or even William Batho to make a vase, or some sort of receptacle, in this way.