Studio Magazine
I was having a flick through the letters and came across this:
“I am in receipt of a letter from Mr. C. G. Holme of the Studio who informs me that the Special Winter Number is to be devoted to ‘Children’s Toys of Yesterday’, and that in course of search for illustrations he wrote to you and you told him that part of your collection was given to Manchester and suggested that he should apply to me for the loan of some photographs made at the time of presentation”. (from Mary to William Batho, 16th June 1932).
…and then after lots of faffing over quality of photographs…
“We have received from The Studio their very fine book on ‘Children’s Toys of Yesterday’… It is a wonderful production and my Committee are greatly interested in it. The reproductions are very fine, and your examples hold their own and should help to draw attention of the outside public to the collection at Heaton Hall”. (from William Batho to Mary, 12th December 1932).
Intrigued, I had a little dig around and found a copy of this edition of The Studio (winter 1932) for sale! here:
Any takers?