Doll face
Just discovered this new exhibition at Bethnal Green. I wonder if the photographer, Craig Deane, might be interested in coming to look at Mary’s dolls? We certainly saw some amazing ones at Platt, and many that have presumably been asleep in their cardboard boxes for years that we still haven’t woken up yet…
Hi Alex and Sharon,
This is Craig, the photographer of the DollFace show at the V&A Museum of Childhood. Thanks for linking to the exhibition. In answer to your question, Alex, yes I would be interested in having a (gentle) rummage around Mary’s collection of dolls one day. The Museum of Childhood has around 8000 dolls in its collection so I have plenty to be getting along with right now, but I would be very happy to see what gems are waiting to be discovered up in Manchester. If you need any info on my show please contact Esther Lutman ( who will be happy to answer any questions. Keep in touch,
Yes, definitely – I think Liz is keen to do some work with Bethnal Green on this and look at their collections in greater detail (possibly to do some joint work?). Do you want to find out the curator’s name and any info? A
Yes, I saw this too looks good doesn’t it? I wndered whether it would be worth contacting the curator of the exhibition to see if there were any dolls donated by Mary on show. I could email her the mary link and see if we can open up some debate.