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Visitor Numbers

September 23, 2009 Mary Greg 3 Comments

I’ve been going through the file of stuff that Melanie compiled for us and came across the visitor numbers again.  Did Mary have any objects in or connection with Heaton Hall prior to 1922?  It’s just that in 1921 the visitor numbers were 14,818 but in 1922 (the year Mary’s objects were accessioned) that figure rose to 125,688.  That’s an increase of 110,810 visitors in just one year! (Incidentally the visitor numbers thereafter are regularly over the 150,000 mark, peaking in 1933 at 181,017)   What was the cause of this extraordinary turn around?  Was it Mary’s involvement? A local cultural revolution?  Or is it a misprint?  It would be good to clarify this as it could be significant.  Sharon

Currently there are "3 comments" on this Article:

  1. Melanie Williamson says:

    I don’t think so, I’ll be able to check for you next week though as all the data is at the gallery. Hopefully I’ve not put extra thousands in by mistake!

  2. Sharon Blakey says:

    So it’s not a misprint then Melanie, the visitor numbers for 1921 are correct? Sharon

  3. Melanie Williamson says:

    Perhaps before her involvement the collections were very ordinary but by exhibiting dolls houses it was something that people and children from the local area could relate to so people visited in swarms!

    It is nice to be back on the blog after a bit of a break!


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