Thomas Alfred Coward
T. A. Coward, acting keeper of Manchester Museum writes to Mr. Batho in 1922 thanking him for the ‘very nice specimen of Platypus from Mrs. Greg’. I emailed the museum to find out more about him. He was an ornithologist and in the 1980’s George Fildes compiled notes on his history.
Thomas Alfred Coward, M.Sc
T.A Coward was a famous Cheshire Naturalist and author of popular ornithological books and had a long and influential association with the Manchester Museum. He served 19 years on the Museum Committee. He was born and died in Bowden, not far from the River Bollin where his house still stands marked with a blue plaque in his honour.
Coward was in his time President of the Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society and a fellow of the Zoological and Entomological Societies.
His books include…
Birds of Cheshire 1900
The Vertebrate Fauna of Cheshire and Liverpool Bay 1910
Birds of the British Isles and their Eggs 1919.
I don’t think that this was ana elaborate hoax at all. I think the man they found was one of Michael’s ancestors!
And yes, the drawing is lovely.